Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing. Warren Buffett

Monday, January 26, 2009


Looking for save haven for your hard earned bucks? Now a days is not an easy task. One must measure and balance the risk vs the reward, my potential profit with my potential loss. Gold which has normally been a safe haven for investors in times of rising inflation, and high unemployment has barely budged in the wake of the recent government bailouts taking place in the financial sector. The government printing, and devaluing the dollar by the minute will only lead to high inflation down the road. What does this mean for you? Your purchasing power will be significantly impaired, too many dollars chasing fewer goods will lead to higher prices. Especially in commodities such as oil, and gold! Don't wind up like the summer of 2008 when gas prices were at $4 a barrel, and you could only hope for some relief at the pump, this time around, hedge against that situation and stock up on Gold, and Oil as a bet that prices will rise in the near term.

Todays closing price for gold is $908.80 per ounce according to www.bloomberg.com

Check out this video which supports my thesis:
